Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Horrible intrusive thoughts? OCD?

First off, there is nothing seriously wrong with you. Nothing other then the depression is to blame. I have seen countless counselors and psychiatrists and they have all said that depression shows it's self in many ways. I have bi-polar depression, and it sounds like maybe that's what you REALLY have. In bi-polar depression, all your emotions are extreme. Extreme happy, extreme sad, extreme angry and so on and so on. Being that you are such a non-violent person and you are on some kind of medication, then that's probably one reason you have not acted on these thoughts. But, thanks to that "nice" little chemical imbalance, the thoughts are creeping in. I was on Zoloft before they found out I was BI-POLAR depressed, not just depressed and it made things worse, that's why I suggest all this. One thing you MUST MUST MUST remember is that mental health is NOT an exact science. Everyone has to go through a trial-and-error period of medications. DO NOT just stop the Zoloft without consulting a doctor, it could make things worse. But, if you really want these thoughts to stop, you need to talk to the doctor who prescribed the Zoloft and discuss trying something else. They put me on a mood-stabilizer and told me that if one has bi-polar depression as opposed to just depression, than they almost 9/10 need to be on an anti-psychotic, and anti-depressants can make things worse. Another thing that always helped me is writing. I know that sounds cliche but it really truly helped. Good luck to you, I know this stuff sucks but I hope I helped.

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