Sunday, August 7, 2011

Soar throat. Ibuprofen question?

Well today and yesterday I had a horrible strep throat. I didn't take much ibuprofen yesterday, only about 2. Well today it is worse. I took 3 ibuprofen this morning after I woke up, and then a couple of hours later around 5:00 PM, I took 2 more. 2 ibuprofen don't effect me at all. Only 3 work. I tried the warm salt water thing, and it didn't work. The recommended ibuprofen dose is 6 pills in 24 hours unless directed by a doctor. The pills are 200mg. I will probably take 3 more around 11:30 PM tonight. That means I will have taken 2 more pills over the recommended dosage.. what will this do to me and is it safe?

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