Friday, August 12, 2011

Why are Virgos so passive?

I really don't think that his zodiac sign has much to do with the way he's treating you. I know a lot of guys who just say "Okay." to things like "I'm fat," by girls because they know most of the time the girl is just going to argue back and they'll never win.

What do you think about this?

our emotions are meaningless. happiness is fake, sadness is fake. its just chemicals in our body. nothing matters. nothing is so valuable. people are disgustingly caught in the fakeness of life and fooling themselves with false occupations. in some years they are going to rot and be eaten by worms when laying stone cold in their graves. there is no heaven and hell... we just exist. meaningless....

Economics question: Why does more supply means the increase of prices?

it all makes sence and is not confusing if you state correctly, you got it the wrong way around, increase in supply = decrease in price

My friend was teased in highschool and isn't bitter, is this unheard of ?

It isn't unheard of, it's just a bit more rare. Evidently she's pretty balanced, although I don't know why she would need to post this online (the lady doth protest too much). Often times the greatest revenge is success. If she is as personally successful as she says, then she's doing well for herself.

Please help me with some bf issues?

I'm 15 years old and never had a boyfriend. I'm kind of overweight and not one of the popular girls. This is my first year in public school but no guys have noticed me like that. No guys liked me in my old private school either. I think I'm a nice person. I tell myself and my friends that I'm ugly but they tell me I'm pretty. If I was to be totally honest I don't think I'm disgustingly ugly but not gorgeous either. I'm a COMPLETE virgin, I've never been asked out, never held hands with a guy, never really hugged a guy outside my family. I have trouble talking to guys sometimes because I've never really had a relationship with one. All my friends talk about their make-out sessions and things during sleepovers and stuff and I can never say anything. No guy has ever called me pretty or asked me out or loved me. I feel left out and alone. And please don't tell me any bullsh*t like, "Oh, you're so young, just give it time," because I've heard that a billion times in the last 3 years and I've been waiting and waiting for my turn but it never comes. Is there something really wrong with me??? What can I do to make guys like me? I don't want to put myself out there and act really slutty 'cause that's not me. What should I do? Please help!

Mom and dad are seniors both have an illness ?

yes you did! my wife was nurse and worked in geriatrics and those pressure sores can eat all the way to the bone and never heal and your dad could over night completely lose all touch with reality you need help as does your parents good luck

Is my period being normal?

Going on and off the pill really does a number on your hormones which will affect the heaviness of your cycles and well as the consistency. It should get better over the next few cycles.

RHH: Rate/Hate my latest verse?

Hey, MC Mastermind never sent in his verse against Backpack so the battle fell apart. I feel bad though because he wrote two verses and didn't get to use either of them. Would you mind facing him one on one?

Airsoft we 1911 meu pistol?

OK, i got this WE 1911 Meu gas blow back pistol for 110$ came with 2 mags and a thread adapter. I don't use it any more cause when i shoot it in my back yard the neighbors call the cops. If i put on craigslist with....The 1911,2 mags,thread Adapter,and a propane adapter. How much can i get for all this?? Put maybe 10 mags threw it.

How does one interpret this?

There is a place called Tequila in Mexico, that many people have heard of from their export. It turns out, Tequila is a beautiful historic town that is surrounded by two mountains. The locals know the way to the top and from here there is a breathtaking view of the whole land, a gentle cool breeze, weird plants you probably have never even seen before, and eagles soaring down bellow. But even higher is a sheering rock that could break the necks of even the best climbers. And on top of this cliff is an iron cross that gleams in the afternoon sun. Somebody had the guts to climb up there only to plant this cross. Why? How does one explain this curious behaviour from the non-religious point of view?

The last time a terriorist tried to take out an army base in Texas we found out?

They do not allow guns on the army base in Texas. So if these drug cartels take over Texas do the soldiers get their weapons back? Or are they sending in that lady cop who saved the whole base?

What are some good movies on netflix?

Boondock Saints, Pulp Fiction, Little Man Tate, and Space Cowboys all come highly recommended. Enjoy.

I legally don't have to let the cops in my house, right?

My mom went to the cops to come talk to me to tell me to calm down and everything because I've been off my meds for a while. And he said hes gonna come back Tuesday to check on everything. I'm willing to talk to him outside, but I'm not letting him in. He's not allowed to come in without my permission WITHOUT a warrant, right? And my mom wont' be here when hes coming, which is why I'm asking. I've seen so many cops abuse their power, and I just wanna know my rights.

Hi everone well i was just wondering please help me?

You should defiantly go see your gynecologist. That doesn't sound normal. Is it a hard spot or does it look like an infected spot? It could be staph. I had a friend who had a lump in that same area that kept getting larger and really sore. It turned out to be a staph infection and made her really ill. If it doesn't go away soon, please, see your doctor right away.

Are soar boobs always the first sign of pregnancy?

me and my boifriend have sex on any chance we get, and no we dont use a condom cuz we do want to have a its been on my mind alot and when most ppl talk about bein preqnant they always say their boobs boobs dont hurt but i have qotten head aches that seem to never qo away, a pair of shorts i fit in a like a couple of weeks aqo are now a lil tiqht on me, idrink a lil bit of water or somethinq and i feel like my bladder is qoin 2 explode, ive had some feelinq of throwinq up and some smells are stronqer to mee than they used to be...also my stomach is feelinq a little bit hard in the lower culd i be preqnant or is it just all in my head....oh yeah like a few weeks aqo i took a test n was neqative but ppl have told me that they took the test multiple times, came out neqative but were actually preqnant....

If I go swimming in sea water will it cure my cold or make it worse?

Well I have a normal common cold/Blocked nose and abit of a soar throat but you know how annoying it is!! So If i go swimming with my friends will it help since its sea water or...? This mornin i think i might have a bit of a temperature haven't checked yet but if so can i still swim..?

Our neighbors are always really loud, I know they are having a party tonight....?

OK, our neighbors are always really loud, usually it is fighting and slamming doors, screaming, yelling, and cussing outside, slamming car doors, peeling out, etc...and it wakes my children up (this is usually always around 1-2 am. Anyway, I know they are having a party tonight, and I understand it is 4th of July weekend, but I just don't want to have to be up all night w/ cranky kids because they can't keep it down...they also have 3 kids themselves so it's not like they shouldn't understand. Anyway, if it gets late and they are loud is it completely rude to call the cops on them? I just can't take it anymore, I talked to them a week ago about the other night...but I know that will probably not help tonight.

Do you think I need help?

i stopped reading @ that you eat "sometimes a couple of times a week & after that i throw up sometimes", it's not normal & you probably have an eating disorder that can be treated, please see a doctor right away

What should I buy my wife for her birthday?

Which ever is the biggest and thickest that way she can hurl it at your disgustingly wealthy face. PIG!

Do you think I'm emo?

Well ever since I was in elementary I was bulled and middle and when I want high school I only had one friend but I always been bulled stay I was going to give up my life when I was 5 years old I was so tired of **** like my step dad hitting me for 9 years and when I was 17 I was crying so much of thinkin about my life sucks my step called the cops like 3 time for just crying.. But I never like dress emo or nothing like that I'm just me..

Why does my stomach feel like it's full of acid?

My stomach usually feels like a burning pit of fire, like I swallowed an entire bathtub of acid. Sometimes it comes up a bit as throw up into my throat. The other day I tried to eat, and it's seems like my stomach is so full of acid that the food just floats on top of it. I opened my mouth and vomit (previously the food) slid up my throat and I puked right into a sink. The other day I finally vomited up a bunch of food and later tons and tons of pink acid. My stomach didn't feel bad after the acid was gone. But now that I've eaten again, my stomach feels disgustingly acidic again and burns very badly. It really hurts and I constantly feel on the verge of throwing up. I am really tired of feeling sick.

Sexist youtube vlogger?

Sexism on the internet is more of a fun game. It is more like perhaps horoscopes than very serious discrimination and stereotyping. Since both genders have stereotypes it is fun to use them back and forth with each other. You should not be offended.

Is this right for a husband to do?

with bureaucracies like animal control, the reporting party gets to 'spin' the story. call them yourself and explain the situation. you may lose the horse and the investment, but as you bring a new life into the world yourself, you will know that another life has been saved.

What's the worst that can happen?

Last night I had decided for sum unbeknowest mental problem I have I guess, that I was going to spill out my guts to this girl I've been in love with for almost 4 years. She's one of my best friends. I had tried to tell her how much I liked her but was a little bit sketchy about it due to my fear of rejection and made it sound like I wasn't sure about her a year ago. Then when she said she likes me back but doesn't think I'm right for her but is just attracted I got really discouraged, but later went out with a girl a few months later for almost a year, but then that didn't work out. So when I finally got over that girl and even while I was dating this other girl i still cared very much for her. So last night at church I was going to tell her face to face and hand her this letter where I just spilled my guts. That didn't pan out cuz I got real nervous so I sent her a message on facebook (probably negatvive points, i know, but not enough to harm my chances that bad, I could always patch it up by talking to her face to face tonight). Now I am freaking out wishing I hadn't sent that letter. She's already talking to almost involved with someone else. I used very strong words almost told her I love her in the message I sent. I feel like I'm going to be sick. What can I do to feel better about this? But now it's either crash and burn or soar with the eagles.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Anorexia- I just don't get it, any body who has had /has an ED please answer?

For me it had nothing to do with appearance it was just the only thing in my life that I personally had control over, my family life was tuff to say the least and very controlling, and I was the least favorite child of both parents so anger and control was over me more than 5 siblings..

What do you know about juvie?

I think I'm going to juvie:'/ ... for meth--my brothers threatening to call the cops. How long would I go to juvie for this(I'm 15)?

Any advice on how to become well off? Money wise.?

Study really hard. Try to get into law, or try to get yourself elected somewhere, I mean try being a politician.

Very strange situation, please help me.?

I think he just wanted to show his support for gay rights, as long as you still feel a connection to him you shouldn't be too worried about the relationship. Just talk to him about it and see what his feelings about it are.

What sickness do i have????

My neck is soar, feel warm but only on face not forehead, cough, stuffy nose. Soar all over, a little bit light headed, started today. My lymph nodes are swollen only on the right of my neck and theres a big swollen node by my ear. Its def not flu. Please help. I DONT have a soar throught.

I have glandular fever and have pain? HELP?

ok so ive been diagnosed with glandular fever with a blood test i have gone through the extremely swollen glands and real bad soar throat. i am getting pain in my lower back and my right side and abit on my left side is this normal? Also how can you tell if your spleen has been enlarged? could people tell me some more information please about it?

So has anyone read the discriminating, uncalled for comment that Rodger Ebert "Tweeted" ...?

Ryan Dunn and Zac Hartwell may have been being irresponsible, but to make fun of someone's death is never called for, or "funny". It is disrespectful not only to the deceased, but also to all of those people who loved them and are mourning their loss.

I'm jealous because my cousin and I aren't that close anymore?

My cousin and I used to be close, but now that she has a kid were not that close anymore. The thing is, she has become really close to her husband's cousin and his girlfriend (mostly his girlfriend). Now that my cousin has a kid she can relate to them more. I personally can't stand her husband's cousin and his girlfriend. The guy is a jerk and obnoxious. He goes around talking about sex all the time and he's so sleazy. Meanwhile his girlfriend smoked pot when she was pregnant and is disgustingly thin, she didn't even try to gain weight when she was pregnant, in fact I would say she tried to lose weight. I just feel so jealous of their friendship now, plus I feel like I've been replaced by people who so not better than me. She talks about them like they're so awesome, but the truth is they're just the only people she knows with kids around her own kid's age. Is it bad that I'm so jealous? She never wants to hang out with me anymore.

How can I make myself feel better? PLEASE help me?

My mom yells at me alot too, so you are not alone. You need to tell a couselor or someone, because what your mom is doing to you is abusive. Tell her that what she does to you makes you upset. If she doesn't listen, then she's the one that's got the problem, not you. And If she doesn't listen you really need to tell somebody. I'm praying for you!

Help, I'm not allowed to wax my thighs!?

I'm 13 years old and my mom has finally allowed me to wax (after a lot arguments, crying, etc.).... but only below my knee! Since I am on a girl's running team our uniform is slightly above the knee, and this shows much of my thigh hair, which is VERY thick and dark. Not only does it look unsightly, but I also feel embarassed because even though people don't say anything, they often look at me weirdly or disgustingly. No matter what I say, my mom is not allowing me to wax, because apparently all the hair above my knee will gradually fall off, like it did to her when she was 17. Now this is very unfair, because naturally, my mom has barely any hair, and I have very thick and dark hair. What should I do so she'll let me wax my thighs?

Treatments for badly yellow teeth?

My teeth are disgustingly,is there anything i can do to make them crystal white, I am willing to pay a lot of money for it, this is affecting my life,can't even leave the house that's how uncomfortable i am with the way my teeth are at the moment.I life in london UK, so if you know any good dentist please let me know

Pregnancy or paranoia?

I know there is no way to know for sure until i take a test, but i would like to know your opinion. If i am pregnant, i would have conceived two weeks ago. If i put pressure on my nipples at all they are soar, and I started noticing this last night. I have been much hungrier than usual the last couple of days, along with more tired. I usually never take naps, but I have the last three days. I never really have symptoms for getting my period until it actually starts, so i don't think it is this, but i'm not positive. I'm irregular with my period also, so i can't judge by that. Is it too early to be having symptoms and i'm paranoid or do you think i could really be pregnant? thanks in advance! (oh and when should i take a test?)

8 months pregnant and dealing with bipolar ex, advice?

Okay, I understand. You may still love him and he may be intelligent but as if right now, he is whack! Don't call your baby's daddy until he has had help. Think about, you don't want an abusive alcoholic near your baby and risk it's life. If you want the best for your child, I suggest you one, find a new helpful and supportive man and call your ex after a period of time; or two, wait a few years until your ex fully seeks help. Until then, I wish you the best and good luck. Your child's life all depends on your choice. ~

Do you know anything about juvie?

I think I'm going to juvie:'/ ... for meth--my brothers threatening to call the cops. How long would I go for this(I'm 15)? Have you ever been to juvie?

Is it legal to be out this late?

On Thursday night, Me and best friend of mine will be going out to see a movie. The movie will be over late so we will be driving home past the curfew in his town. Im 18 years old, so I have no curfew. He,however, is only 17. If a cop happened to pull us over that night, will he get in trouble for being out late? I(a person of legal age) will be in the car with him, So i'm thinking that he will not be in trouble because there is someone of legal age in the car. Kinda of like a parent with their kids. What do you think? I don't think we will be pulled over because i'm a safe driver. But, Will he get in trouble for being out past curfew if we happened to be pulled over?

Dos any one no why im feeling like this?

im a 19 year old girl for the past 6 months i have been getting soar heads but the pain has got really bad some days its not as bad as others im always tiered my back really hurts two i feel like this is making me very bad tempered and i no this sounds sick but im finding things funny what really are not funny but have a bad phobia of going 2 the doctors dos any one no what it could be many thanks

I know I'm disgustingly fat... How many pounds do you think I should lose. *link included*?

Enough to make yourself healthy because it can lead to diabetes. You do not have to be what you think others want to see. You be you and what you see is the most important thing to worry about. My guess is that you are beautiful the way you are, but just keep it within a healthy range. Check with your doctor because he or she would be the best person to give that advise.

If your a cop and dont get tazed, then what do u carry?

A big night stick, oddly I didn't have to get beat with it to carry it. Boris is correct not all dept's require you to get tazed, much in the way we don't have to get shot to carry a gun.

Is it ok for her to be mad after what he did to me?

today in class there is this boy who always talks disgustingly so I hit his arm but then he touched my boobs. then he was being even more gross and talked about seeing little boys in locker rooms so I told my other friend and he touched my boobs again. then I slapped his arm, slapped his face and pulled his hair. in addition I told the principal and he's suspended for the rest of the year and can't go to the dance with this girl and now she's giving me crap about it. I don't think its right of her to be mad at me because I should be able to tell someone if someone's harassing me. the principal and the school police officer even said I could take him to court but I'm not cause that's just taking it too far, that's how serious it was. do you think it's right for her to give me crap for reporting the incident?

I need to get shorter, help!?

I'm a girl and 5'11'' tall. Finding pants, tights, long enough shirts, etc is a struggle for me. I'm disgustingly knock kneed now too from having crappy posture from always leaning over to hear what people are saying, or to reach things sized for normal people. I'm so tired of being a freak and not being able to indulge in high heels and regular jeans like normal girls do (my inseam is 34") is there any hope for me?? Obviously I'll live, I'm only 19, but it still sucks being stared at EVERYWHERE for being a freak and so tall. They make reconstructive surgery for burn victims, is there surgery for my condition too? Can you even recover from it? Is it expensive? Help :((((((((

Do you think I'm too fat? photo?

No! Just break up with her, because she's materialistic and you'll find women that can accept you for who you are.

Are lighter eyebrows more attractive?

Maybe. I never thought about it that way- it might look a little less "threatening" and more approachable in that way? But if you're going for a more rugged, masculine look, then I would say the second picture is better.

Are Fire Signs the "Sluts"?

Flirt does not equal promiscuity. I've seen quite a few Pisces and Taurus women who are promiscuous and cheaters come to that. In any case, a girl can do whatever she wants to do until she is in a committed relationship or a has ring on her finger. That's my philosophy and who are you or me to judge what others do.

Are there vigilante and taxi missions in GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony?

Are these missions there in the game? Cause everytime I get in a cop car or a taxi, I don't see any option which says toggle vigilante/taxi missions. I even finished the whole game. Do I have to unlock them or something?

Need help please?????????????

I'm joining the national guard and one way to be promoted to e2 is to be able to do 50 push ups in two min., 60 sit ups I'm two mins., and run two miles in fifteen mins. And I'm way behind I have sixteen days to be able to reach this, how should I go about conditioning my self to pull this of and not be super soar when time comes for me to be tested?

I am debating getting an electric dryer over a gas dryer.?

Is your laundry room wired for 220, if not it will take an electrician to make the hook up? We have never had a gas dryer so I can not give you a cost comparison.

Teens 32 e"s and small frame?

I am 14 a year ago I Was 5"2 and 85 pounds naturally i was crazily skinny like disgustingly so now I am 5"4 119 pounds and I have got loads of compliments my face looks better etc I still have a flat stomach but have big thighs and arms but I prefer it . A year ago my boobs where 32 dd j looked like a porn star so I wanted to gain weight to make then fit my frame but now I am a 32 e ! Should I loose or gain weight and how can I dress. To not lOose weight

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Do I have pink eye, or symptoms?

On Monday morning I woke up with a soar throat. After a few days I had a soar throat, a fever at 101.7 degrees (which went away over night) a stuffy and runny nose, and a clogged ear. When I woke up this morning I noticed I had the main symptom of pink eye. My eyes were shut and I couldn't open them without taking whatever was on my eyelashes off. My Mom said my eye looks swollen. I've had Pink eye before and I don't know if I have the symptoms of it, or pink eye itself.


We are nation of laws. You don't like the laws, become part of the process and change the laws. Whatever they are

I am very weird outside of school.?

I am normal some of the time but sometimes I just do weird things like I talk very disgustingly ex. I tell my siblings u will chop there arms off and beat them with it. I am semi pretty and popular why am I such a creep at my house

1 week late..Do you think im pregnant?

well i would take a pregnancy test they are a dollar at the dollar store! and if its positive tell your mom she wont be as mad at you when you tell her! if your not then have her take you Doctor and get some birth control because being a teen mom not that fun promise am a teen mom of two and i got lucky that my husband stuck around some men don't! but i wish you all the luck and if any one mean to they just dont understand because there not you so just ignore it!

Cop Claims Refusal of DUI Case Can I prove with the First Report That i gave a Urine?

I have it printed out in black and white that i took a urine for DUI which was sent off for testing. officer says refusal a month later. What possibly happened please tell me Cops ? How can you change sending off a speciman to not taking one at all. How will this look in court ? Can they dismiss this due to his loss of evidence or make him look ridiculous in trial.


"Color of Night" see here a href="" rel="nofollow"

Is my friend anorexic?

Yes your friend is anorexic. 108 pounds is NOT fat. I'm 5'1 and weigh 107 and i'm called skinny constantly.

Why do kittens get soar eyes when you hold them to much?

we got a kitten about 6 weeks old and i was holding him and my mom said if you hold him for to long he will get soar does this happen?

American food portion size?

who else thinks that food portion sizes are disgustingly out of hand. i go somewhere and get a plate of food that my husband, baby and i could share. its just gross. compare our portion sizes to other countries.eww.

My boyfriend's personality has changed ever since he became a police officer. Should I move on?

My boyfriend and I have been together for 8 years - We are both 26 years old. He's disgustingly loyal, my best friend, and the most amazing man I have ever met… but 4 years ago he became a police officer and it has changed him drastically. He patrols the housing projects in one of the most dangerous areas of NY. The (mostly domestic dispute) jobs that he responds to sound terrible and I try to be understanding. But I'm wondering if he's too uptight for me now. He has a short temper now and I feel like I'm walking on eggshells around him. He's not affectionate anymore. He is always tired and never wants to go anywhere or do anything. He won't hang out with anyone unless they are also a cop. We see each other maybe once a week if I revolve my schedule around his days off (I also work full-time and am in grad school). I've gotten used to all of those changes but now he is studying for the Sergeant's exam and he has no time for me. He’s stressed and grumpy, but apologizes and says it has nothing to do with me. I love him sooo much but I've been dealing with this for years already and if this is what our lives are going to be like forever, should I get out now? The test is not for another 6 months and if he becomes Sergeant (which he says is extremely tough because he is competing against thousands of others), will that make things better? Will I ever be his priority again? I'm getting to the point where I want to get married soon and I don't want to waste any more time if I'm not with the right person.

What to do if you don't have any friends?

Go out and have fun since its summer go to a public pool or something there are people out there that will accept you for you

How to deal with food pushers?

My parents are hideously disgustingly rude when it comes to food pushing. How can I respectfully tell them to stop trying to get me to eat their fatty garbage.

Do you agree with the UK civil servant strike today?

Over 750000 civil service workers in the U.K. are expected to go on strike this week over deep ... and said "passengers who can do so may wish to travel on other dates. ... It's difficult to say, but you can see signs." ...

Is it just me or are the guys on jersey shore f*cking wan*kers..?

watch my first ep of jersey shore & couldn't help but notice how disgustingly cocky the guys are and they aren't even attractive! good bodys yes but face wise god i'd stick needles in my eyes then hook up with them! they're so arrogant.

Why is White Men/Asian Women Couple getting so hyped in the US but not in Europe?

1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, with a tiny bit of Jewish influence sprinkled in on top. Jews have very little influence in Europe.

Should I get help for this? Anorexia?

Yes you need to tell your parents you have an eating disorder called anorexia and it kills. You can have heart failure at any given moment with this. You will die and if you google annorexia and do images look and that is what you will look like if you keep doing this. It can get out of control easily and you need help!

When it gets warmer out, why do my forehead and chin get disgustingly oily?

Over the winter my face is fine, but once it starts to get warm (and through the summer) my forehead and chin gets so oily it's gross. And if I try to wipe the oil off, the skin gets dried out and irritated :| What's going on?

How should I speak to teens with special needs?

Thank you for volunteering. I think you will find it very rewarding. The other advice has been great. Just being there - knowing that you want to be there - is a huge thing. People with special needs can be pretty intuitive, so just be yourself, enjoy yourself, and they will enjoy their time with you too.

Need help adding items to diet?

A bit of background on the situation: I'm a 16 year old high school student (male). I'm approximately 5foot 8 inches, and weight in the 190's. I know that doesn't seem too outrageous, but I have always felt as if I were disgustingly obese. Anyway, I've decided to adjust my eating habits in order to drop down to around 160-150. However, what I've found is many plans cut out carbs and leave me with protein, vegetables, and limited fruits. When I eat the recommended amounts of food, I am always extremely hungry within an hour or so (more of a problem when I am home). My question is what sorts of foods can I eat that will allow me to be full, and satisfied without forcing me to crack my diet?

Laws for calling the cops?

okay, so my town is doing kareoke night(it's in the empty lot behind my house) and i have to work at 700 in the morning tommrow, so at what time can i call the cops? it's a tiny town, and everyones related. PS we live in MN

Does breast cancer hurt?

No. If it weren't for my yearly mammogram I would have never known I had Breast Cancer. I could have walked around with it for years, and wouldn't be the wiser....Sounds like you pulled a muscle, or have a simple cyst, or a cause of the implant. Definitely not breast cancer. And not at the age of 23. I was diagnosed at 44, and they thought "I" was too young. I am sure the doctor can put your mind at ease right away. Good Luck.

Can someone rate the first paragraph of my story?

Alone, he walks, drifting through a mysterious land of deep green and immaculate scenes of overgrown wilderness. With every step, he fights off the monstrous mosquitoes and what appears to be horseflies, as overgrown and annoying as the monotonous walking he‘s bound to. Every now and then he conveniently comes across a bush full of fruits. Looking like cherries, except almost watermelons in size, hanging from the strained branches about to break. These delicious and refreshing fruits allow him to replenish his strength long enough so he can continue his seemingly never ending trip. He walks below a break in the canopy of trees, allowing the wall of rain to come down upon him, drenching him from his crude and hurt looking grayish green eyes to his black military issue combat boots. He has little protection from the continuous rain, his torn shirt, showing his perfectly sculpted abdomen to nothing but drenched moss that has overwhelmed the surrounding trees and his dark tan cargo pants that he has cut at the knee to try and control the overbearing heat of the disgustingly, drenched, wasteland. His hair has grown long from his extensive journey, turning into what looks like a willow tree, drooping over his ears and onto his shoulders. He hasn’t showered in days, maybe even weeks, he has lost track of time. The only form of cleanliness he has acquired is from the bitter salt water provided by hateful clouds that seem to be following him on his quest. His legs are throbbing but the anxiety to find his destination will not allow him to stop, not to mention the fear of knowing what is actually within his surroundings. If he stops then he will observe, and if he observes then he will see. Hiding between the curtained windows of vines and overgrowth, weary, almost satanic glowing eyes watch his every move, wondering, wanting, waiting.

Self-concious about my fat upper arms?

So basically, my upper arms in relation to the rest of my body are disgustingly fat, they look like they belong to someone who's 10-20 kilos heavier than me! The make me so self concious... I know I can't lose weight in target areas, but surely there's some way I can make it not seem so bad? And please don't suggest that I 'accept it' 'love myself as I am' or 'ignore it', I am 17 years old and have spent several years struggling with my eating so none of that is going to happen, I just need a solution...

After today's testimony, has the defenses claim of sexual abuse in the Casey Anthony case seem more believable?

Wow - Yes, Caylee (Casey and Lee) I never saw that one! Nice catch! But the thought of that makes me want to throw up. That's all I wanted to say here.

If pigs grew wings and could fly would the price of bacon soar?....Would being pooped on be lucky too?

I don't see how being pooped on would be lucky. However one might expect bacon prices to rise as it would now be necessary to hunt and shoot down the pigs.

How To Gain Weight In 8 Weeks PLEASE HELP?

So my first day of high school is in 8 weeks (7 weeks and 6 days), and i really want to gain some weight. Fast! I am 14 years old, 5foot8 or 9, and weight about 119 pounds. EXTREMELY SKINNY! My calfs are super skinny and so are my forearms. I'm tired of RANDOM people coming up to me saying how skinny i am and how i am unhealthy. Im so embarrased of my legs i dont wear shorts! And i hate wearing tank tops! So i would like to know how to gain weight FAST! Please tell me what foods will easily put pounds on me, and how much i should eat each day. I am 119 right now, and i'd like to be 130 by August 15th. And PLEASE dont tell me i should be confortable in my own body or ANYTHING like that! Because i hate it! Im disgustingly skinny! I've been turned down my guys because of my weight. I really want to wear cute shorts without people staring at my bony legs! Please help me! Please?

Is this romantic or gross? (FIRST KISS EVER)?

You're pretty lucky. I guess it would be romantic since you guys love each other. And not really that gross, compared to that kiss, you would NOT want to see where other couples kissed (HINT HINT; Bathroom, Hint Hint, Sewer).

Horrible intrusive thoughts? OCD?

First off, there is nothing seriously wrong with you. Nothing other then the depression is to blame. I have seen countless counselors and psychiatrists and they have all said that depression shows it's self in many ways. I have bi-polar depression, and it sounds like maybe that's what you REALLY have. In bi-polar depression, all your emotions are extreme. Extreme happy, extreme sad, extreme angry and so on and so on. Being that you are such a non-violent person and you are on some kind of medication, then that's probably one reason you have not acted on these thoughts. But, thanks to that "nice" little chemical imbalance, the thoughts are creeping in. I was on Zoloft before they found out I was BI-POLAR depressed, not just depressed and it made things worse, that's why I suggest all this. One thing you MUST MUST MUST remember is that mental health is NOT an exact science. Everyone has to go through a trial-and-error period of medications. DO NOT just stop the Zoloft without consulting a doctor, it could make things worse. But, if you really want these thoughts to stop, you need to talk to the doctor who prescribed the Zoloft and discuss trying something else. They put me on a mood-stabilizer and told me that if one has bi-polar depression as opposed to just depression, than they almost 9/10 need to be on an anti-psychotic, and anti-depressants can make things worse. Another thing that always helped me is writing. I know that sounds cliche but it really truly helped. Good luck to you, I know this stuff sucks but I hope I helped.

Not interested in attending bf family gathering?

My bf's family has been pretty sh*tty to me for the past year that we've lived together. Previously his mother lived with us and she wanted to be queen and run him and me and my son, and with all respect I told her that was not happening. Things got completely out of hand and she even tried to fight me, I had to call the cops on her, because my bf repeatedly said he'd told her to leave me alone but there was nothing else really he could do (except put her out-duh). Every time something happened she went back and told his dad which made me look bad, and his family as a whole (mom, dad, brother) refer to me as an outsider, literally they never call me by my name but instead "the outsider". He has gone to his father's house at least 10 times since we have been living together and not once have I gone with him, now his fathers sister is having a family gathering for the fourth. I don't want to go. My family has however been the exact opposite to him, and he's gone to thanksgiving, xmas, birthday dinners, everything everyone knows him (we've been together almost 3 years). Am I wrong to not want to go. I know he's gonna be upset, when he told me I said I didn't know, but I mean he's done a crappy job of making me feel included since we're supposed to be getting married in the future, and his family is very seclusive so I'd actually rather stay home. Especially with their being a chance of his mother popping up as he says she has at past family events.

How to get rid of soar throat please help fast?

Hi im so hungry its 2 and i wokr at 7 and i havent ate even breakfest,not even a snack cuz my throat hurts so bad and i tried gargling salt water,tea,coco,cough drops everything nothing works and its cuz im sick so how do i get rid of a soar throat i really want to eat does tylenol stength pill work?im 12 so please help

Are cops like this the reason the man in Detroit attacked a police station full of cops?

I noticed you danced around the "race" issue, same as the previous answerers did. July 4th in 2 days, just watch the typical "Group of unruly youths, attacking Whites in a Random attack". WE better wake up soon about this crap.

Can you sue someone for false accusations?

My friend and I were at the mall and he was trading pants with one of his friends in the bathroom. I guess a security cop saw that and he's not aloud to go back to that mall, and even had the cops go to his house. Can he sue the security for a false accusation? He was in the bathroom and they claimed he was in the hall.


There is this movie with harrison ford in it and i need the name of that movie????? Its is about two bad cops (cant member their names) that endup murdering a man, or a woman,(cant member) and then try to accuse a man (HARRISON FORD) for the murder. In that movie i think HARRISON FORD is an alcoholic and a bumb. ALSO can somone help me with the name of that movie please??? or does anyone know of a web site that i can acually type in a discription like i did here, to help me find the titel of a movie???thank you

How do you think this will turn out?

Last night I had decided for sum unbeknowest mental problem I have I guess, that I was going to spill out my guts to this girl I've been in love with for almost 4 years. She's one of my best friends. I had tried to tell her how much I liked her but was a little bit sketchy about it due to my fear of rejection and made it sound like I wasn't sure about her a year ago. Then when she said she likes me back but doesn't think I'm right for her but is just attracted I got really discouraged, but later went out with a girl a few months later for almost a year, but then that didn't work out. So when I finally got over that girl and even while I was dating this other girl i still cared very much for her. So last night at church I was going to tell her face to face and hand her this letter where I just spilled my guts. That didn't pan out cuz I got real nervous so I sent her a message on facebook (probably negatvive points, i know, but not enough to harm my chances that bad, I could always patch it up by talking to her face to face tonight). Now I am freaking out wishing I hadn't sent that letter. She's already talking to almost involved with someone else. I used very strong words almost told her I love her in the message I sent. I feel like I'm going to be sick. What can I do to feel better about this? But now it's either crash and burn or soar with the eagles.

Im a bigger girl, who would go out with me?

Ok so im a bigger girl but im not disgustingly gross! Iv only had one short term boyfriend and im 15. I really want to have a boyfriend but im afraid and i think there is nobody who would like a pretty fat girl. Guys please tell me what would you do?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Can my ex boyfriend get charged for "assault" against me even though i don't wish to pursue charges?

Last night my ex got drunk and punched my friends car window and dented her car as well. But he didn't hit me or anyone else that night. The cops were called to report that specific incident, but today he is being charged with assault against me even though he didn't really touch me, he just gave me a slight push away, i even told the police on the scene that the push didn't concern me. I know he shouldn't have punched the hole in the window, but it seems like the are adding insult to injury with these assault charges.

What do you think of my song?

I can see that you haven't had practice before, I mean it as a good thing. This being your first song you wrote, I personally liked it. I didn't think some parts were the best like the last half of the first stanza. But if this is truly your first song, well we might have another Bob Dylan in here

False domestic violence accusations, please help!!?

My brother was arrested a week ago. His girlfriend came home and they argue she called the cops and accused him of trying to kill her and their 9 months old baby. Court date is a couple days away and she says she'll say more lies so he wont see the baby.

Can I get into trouble for moving out of state if I'm on bench probation?

I got into trouble for a misdeamor for endangering the welfare of a minor I did all my classes but I'm just waiting for my probation to be over. And I just want to make sure I won't get into trouble. Plus I don't have a po or anything it doesn't even show up I'm on probation if a cop runs my name

What should I name the hot cop in my story?

I'm writing a rookie cop/ teenage delinquent romance, and I need a nice name for the Male rookie. The female character is called Rocky (Raquel) Douglas. I also need a description. The cop had blue eyes and jet black hair, white. The female character is white and part latino. I was thinking brown eyes and light brown, curly hair. What do you think?

What to do about this guy!?!?!?

I really like this guy and i just found out he likes me too..but their are a ton of issues. He is so sweet to me, he says im super pretty, and gorgeous all the time. He says he likes me because im funny, nice, kind, gorgeous, and im not trying to be someone im not. He's so nice to me but i figured out that to other people..he is such a jerk. He told my best friend that she is really her face. And he said to my other friend that she is disgustingly skinny and told her to cover up those gross ribs. But to me he is so sweet. But guess what? He has never talked to me in person!! yep he said that all to me over text. He says its because he is shy around pretty girls like me and i make him nervous. We both made it clear that we like eachother a lot but there is a big problem..he has a gf! He says he will ask me out when he brakes up with his gf. Its summer now and ill never see him unless he asks me out. Which feels like he never will because his relationship with his gf is endless! He claims he likes us both equaly. He is on my mind allll day literaly..all day all the time. I dont know what to do, help me!!

What do you think about cops who are homosexual?

I live near San Francisco. SFPD has many homosexual police officers. I don't think of them any differently than heterosexual ones.

Need help with 6 pack?

Hey, I'm a 14 year old boy who is really skinny but is athletic. I calculated my body fat% and it said I was 7%. I know that is disgustingly skinny, but I can't help it tha I can't eat alot. I'm 5' 9" and weigh 110. I run alot and I used to use the slendertone system abs belt. If I suck in my ribs poke out. I used to have a 6-pack when I was 10, and I would like one again. Any help/training programs I could use. And dont tell me how diet is the most important thing, cause I know. I want examples of a diet/workout. And also, don't tell me 14 year olds shouldn't have 6 packs. Thanks Alot

What helps for a soar throat .?

I recently discovered I possibly have mono and my throat is swollen . Besides popsicles and fluids does anyone have any other suggestions ?

HELP! honest answers please?

okay i was wondering if i am attractive or not... im 17 i weigh 97 pounds i am 5'6" but i don't look disgustingly skinny. i have greenish blue eyes, white teeth, wear a size zero and my bra size is a 32C right now. i have blonde hair... i always get told i am really pretty by a lot of people and that i should model.. do you think i sound attractive or not?

Can a European(Portuguese) fellow become a police officer in USA?

You do not have to have a college degree to become a US citizen but you do have to meet quotas in immigration in order to get a visa as a potential permanent resident and then there is a waiting period before you can apply for citizenship plus you must be sponsored and have a job so it is not as easy as just showing up and applying for a job. Once you have that problem solved then you can contact any police department you think you might want to work for and ask what the requirements are.

How do I get a waiver for USMC enlistment?

Denoestic violence is a criminal charge, if that's on your record your not getting into any branch. Sucky situation you got yourself in. If I were you, don't worry about how your mom disciplines your sisters, it's not your concern.

Im a 16 yr old girl who is hated by her mother,she dont want me to be happy and she neglects me all the time.?

she is threatening to call the cops on me just because im dating someone who makes me happy.he just turned 18 today and she is going crazy about it.we've been together for almost 10 months.anyways,my mom is trying to make me move in an apartment with her.its a 2 bedroom and there will be 9 poeopke living there including the newborn.where will i sleep? i havent had a bed in ages i sleep on the floor.sometimes my mom doesnt even feed me.right now im staying a few nights and i actually get to and have a bed to sleep on and im school zone at my dads,but the problem is my dad has NO custody of me.i need helpfinding a way to change this and live with my sooo stressed about this and a 26 yr old girl shouldnt be heart is broken.and im the good child,but she hates me the most I DONT UNDERSTAND! how do i get out of her hands and into my dads? i need anyones help especially a cop or law person who knows this stuff.come on i cant sleep in a bathtub because my mom doesnt care about me. :( please help!

Should a dad kiss his daughter on the lips?

ok we have all seen dads kiss there daughters and moms kiss there sons inside i feel its kind of disgustingly sick because if u wont kiss your son on the lips why would u kiss your daughter on the lips . see what i mean i want everyones opinions on this who agrees im right!

Unexpected dream I had(very happy last day of school)?

I think it could be this. Your subconscience is telling you that if you are waiting for your world to be perfect to be happy or not be negative you will never be. The icecream is showing you that small things done for yourself every day can help you. You being more positive will help you make more friends because people like to be around positive people. Your Mom's car was your station in life right now and ceramstances you can't change. If you let others who are judging you or putting you down for this get to you then you are focusing on the wrong people. True friends will not care and will see you for you. Your sister was your reality check and messenger.

What you think of this poem? Comment if u want :)?

It's pretty good but maybe you might want to look at the length of your sentences .I think it still flowed good .Maybe think about this .........Skies without limit blue in their scheme don't need to over explain stuff in a poem. I'm not saying it's bad I only think you could clean it up some to make it a really great poem .I only did one sentence to show an example. Good job though .Keep writing.

Very embarrassing situation.?

Get rid of this lodger. Throw him out. You don't want to rent to anyone who doesn't know that leaving crap smeared around the bathroom is totally unacceptable.

Jewish settlers pour their sewage on fields and orchards near Bethlehem?

It's disgusting (I'm getting physically sick to my stomach). Those settlers should clean up their mess as a punishment.

Is this right when a woman/man are fighting? Guy/Female opinion wanted.?

I don't believe in domestic violence by any means. Is it right for a woman to hit a man, and the woman get away with it? I have a friend who beats on her man, and one day he got tired of it and when she came at him - he smacked her. Not hard, but enough to get her attention. She called the cops and had him arrested. Even though she had hit him, she is the woman. Again, I don't believe in any domestic violence. I don't hit my guy and he don't hit me. Do you think in this case he was justified? Why or why not. My friend is shocked cause I sided with him on this one.

I'm Black - How can I get my little brother to stop listening to rap music?

If you really think he's turning into the lowest lifeform on earth, here's what I think you should do.. It's gonna sound a little cliche, but just sit him down and talk to him. Maybe show him some of your own favorite artists. If he enjoys them, mission complete right? If not, then just tell him to be aware that the peeps he hangs out with could get him into trouble and sh*t. Tell him you speak from experience.

How to get rid of a soar throat please help fast!?

I have a really bad soar throat and it was from yesterday night till now and it really burns but theres nothing else wrong with me,Just how to get rid of it i really need your help.I tried hot coco but it works only for a sec and i hate it and i want to get rid of it cuz last time i had it i lost my appittite evrything tasted weird.So please help i feel like theres blood in it and no medications or medciane please and im 12

Greece has the EU to bail them out, who would bail out the USA if it gets into trouble?

Medicaid and social security will account for almost half of American government spending by 2015. The other half is mostly interest payments on the country's soaring debt and discretionary spending, with about half of the latter going on defence. If they slip up by getting the maths wrong who will bail them out?

Could this be an eating disorder?

this is probably a joke. if not it is serous and nothing to joke about. i am 5 feet and 94 pounds and stuff my face whenever i am able to. i say i am "fat" and every1 tells me that i am so skinny. just eat. please

When your sore, is it better to take hot showers or cold showers?

I just joined the cheerleading team and we started cheerleadin boot camp and the workouts are EXTREME! my back is soar, my butt, my abs, and my thighs. I heard hot showers help relax the muscles but i also heard that cold showers are better, thats why athletes take ice baths. But im not sure which is true. so since i was really soar and need to relaz my muscles, is it better to take a hot or a cold shower?

Do I need to see a doctor? ?

You are not fat at all, actually you are underweight, a normal weight for women/teens is 100lbs at 5 feet and you add another 10lbs for every inch so a normal weight for you is 180lbs, you need to take care of yourself and eat right, exercise is good but you need fuel(good foods) to keep your body running properly. I think you should see a dr. it is a eating disorder and for your own safety it needs to stop

Any advice for Marine wanting to become a pilot?

Hi. I'm in the Marines, and have always aspired to become a pilot. Today I saw an article on USA Today discussing how the Airline industry is going to be soaring for new pilots, within the next 10 years. It kind of got my hopes up again. Seeing as I only have a few years left in the Corps, and the new G.I bill will be covering flight training. It almost seems it was meant to be. Any advice? Preferably from current pilots.

Big boobs small frame?

I am 14 a year ago I Was 5"2 and 85 pounds naturally i was crazily skinny like disgustingly so now I am 5"4 119 pounds and I have got loads of compliments my face looks better etc I still have a flat stomach but have big thighs and arms but I prefer it . A year ago my boobs where 32 dd j looked like a porn star so I wanted to gain weight to make then fit my frame but now I am a 32 e ! Should I loose or gain weight and how can I dress. To not lOose weight

Is it illegal to physically restrain your 15 yr old son for his own safety?

Our son is 15 and has been in & out of foster & group homes because of behavioral issues. He has run away constantly; he has smoked pot & drank alcohol since he was 8; he has experimented with Methanphetamines & Cocaine; he is sexually active. He doesn't go to school, refuses to do family therapy & has threatened to physically harm his father & won't obey ANYBODY's rules! So, I believe his dad & I need to be really radical with him. He also wants to grow & sell marijuana, which his father & I are totally against! I need to know is it illegal, in California, to physically restrain our son to protect him from his out-of-control behaviors & to try to force therapy on him so later in his life, the cops won't be forced to use billy clubs on him????

Should I talk to him after he's left me?

My fiance left me for a second time and I have no idea what to do. I was so angry with him but I really still am in love with him.When he left he said he loved me and wanted me but he couldn't cope with fighting that his life was moving at 100 miles per hour and that he needed to soar and couldn't dwelling on meaningless fights. So I left him a lone but as the days pass I have the urge to contact him more and more and I have no idea what to do. all of my friends say he was a complete idiot and didn't deserve me and a part of me agrees with them. I gave him my all...everything I could give and I feel as though he keeps playing head games with me with the leaving and coming back. But in the same sense its why I'm having such a hard time letting go I guess because I've put so much into him. I don't know if there is a chance for us to ever be together again but should I try and talk things out with him or let him be. The first time he left me he said it was because he needed to fix himself and then he came crawling back miserable saying he couldn't be without me. So I'm really confused. I know he has mental issues... as do I and i don't know if that's influencing anything but I feel so lost. I really don't want to lose him. What should I do...please help

Any ways to help burnt frizzy hair?

Shower at night and streaighten in the morning instead... thats what i do and my hair seems to be fine

Monday, August 8, 2011

Parenting: Do you think apartment kids have it worse then house kids?

I used to live in an apartment so I see where you're going with this. House kids do have it worse, I know cause I live in a house now and it sucks. Even now, I'm just sitting in my room watching tv doing nothing and the apartment kids I used to live with are probably all at the movie theaters or hanging out outside.

Infatuations. Morally wrong?

I have an infatuation with this cop I met. He's so smart and handsome. I'm not going to try to have a relationship with him. I just think he is desirable. I told one of my friends about it. She told me that my feelings were morally wrong. She said that I should not objectify the cop like that. I don't see where she is coming from. Can some one please explain this logic? Thanks

How do I get my sister to clean my room with me?

okay so my sister and I, we are both 15 (twins) share a room. I live in a 5 bedroom house on the top floor, with 2 empty rooms, and my dad refuses to let me have my own room. But basically, my sister even though she is mature is ALWAYS making a mess. There are bobby pinks everywhere, papers everywhere, she doesn't hang her clothes, she leaves make up tubes on the dresser, she uses products and what not and leaves them lieing around, and disgustingly always blows her nose because she has so much allergies and leaves her snot tissues lieing around the room, it is GROSS. While me, the neat freak, is always always always cleaning our room. I don't think she's ever cleaned our room for at least a year. I get so mad because I'm always cleaning her mess and I have to suffer and do extra work for no reason. I tell my mom that my sister never cleans her room. My mom, always taking the complicated route is telling me that I have to teach her how to clean our room together. She never even yells or tells my sister to clean our room. I keep telling my sister to clean our room together but she never listens and says she doesn't want to and I always feel upset because I do it anyway :( what do I do?

My friend has a mistermeanor warrant for not going to court!She is going to go to the DMV & renew her ID?

If there is an active warrant out for her arrest, then I would say she would be arrested when she tries to renew her ID. They have to run your ID before they renew your license, so I'm sure they do it routinely for all renewals.

Do all cops eat doughnuts?

And are they lazy and cuss a lot. I don't understand it really I would not to be a cop as I would be going to the trouble and the job loots stressful. I support cops I know there is good a bad ones. Why do most get a bad name?

I want to get revenge on this person?

I've been through a lot. Abusive dad, crappy relationships, but I do not hold it against them. But this one girl.. I wish she'd die. I've never thought this about ANY1, not even the pig that raped me. On the night of graduation me and my best friend watched our graduation from across the street to avoid trouble ( I got high honor rolled but I was afraid to go because I had been threatened) I lived right next to the school so I thought it'd be "safe", boy was I wrong. After about 10 mins I saw them. I was honeslty to afraid to move so I too my friend to dial 911 becuase if I did, they'd really kill me. I regret not callig 911 myself. There were about 12 of them. 2 of them were actually FRIENDS of mine! They did nothing to help me. They squished a bug on me. I felt bad for the bug.. I was ok untill they poured a bottle of piss, dirt, and rocks on my head. Then she started punching me. I did not know what to do (never been in a fight) so I just grabbed her hair. After a guy (who hated me but decided to help) pulled her off. They walk off. My friend hadn't been touch. I was left with a broken nose, open gash on my head and bruises all over. One of HER friends even recorded the fight.. And guess what?? The cops finally came on a golf cart and they didn't even care! She acted like I had done something wrong!! I couldn't believe it. That night scarred me. I wish the "leader M." (not going to say her name..) would die. Does this make me a bad person..? Is it normal...?? I want to beat her up but I dnt want to stoop down to that level.. I dont want her to get away with it though because she has done this to multiple people! What should I do..? Am I a bad person for wishing that she'd get hit by a car and die? I have been having horrible nigtmares about that night.. Should I tell my boyfriend.? What if he doesn't understand? He thinks the world is amazing. He has never had a bad experience with family, friends, or strangers.. I honestly feel a little better getting my feelings ou there:( sorry for any typos and please no mean or harsh comments..

What do you think I should do?

Okay, I'm a 19 year old female and I am disgustingly hairy. I absolutely hate it. I'm fine with shaving my legs and underarms..that's not a big deal. What I can't stand is the fact that I have a hairy stomach..chest..and bottom. It's nasty, dark, and noticeable. I made the mistake of shaving my stomach so now it pretty much always looks awful. This might sound dumb to some of you, but if I didn't have this inconvenience, I know I would be so much more confident. I would finally feel comfortable in a swimming suit, something most people don't need to worry about. I know things could be worse, but this is something that I don't want to deal with for the rest of my life. Sorry this is kind of long, any suggestions on what you think I could do or anything at all would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Is it okay to exercise when sick? ?

I have a mild soar throat, small cough, stuffy nose, and plugged ears. Would it be okay for me to exercise for an hour or two (..or three?) or would it make me sicker? This isn't a bad cold, but it was worse yesterday and I don't want to get sicker now that I'm feeling better than before. Thanks!!

What will be my punishment in court (Richmond,Virginia)?

My friends and I went to a wedding in Goochland, they pulled over on the grassy roads of Goochland so I can throw up due to intoxication... We were all drunk, since the roads are, again, grassy the car got stuck, so therefore the people driving by decided to call the cops for help. The cops came and breathalyzed just me (my former friends got away with saying they were sober and didn't get a DUI charge or distribution of alcohol to a minor... both 18) and I got a ticket for being disorderly drunk and another ticket for lying to them about my name (I thought I can get away with it, but they ended up telling the cop my real name). I am 17 years old and I was not driving the vehicle and really want to know how the court will handle this and if they will suspend my license, my family got a lawyer (not court appointed)

Why do many atheists refuse to accept reality?

What business is any of that to you. If you didn't go looking for it then you would never see it. How about if you mind your own business.

Does medication do more harm than good? What's the point of taking them?

Sure there are some benefits but for my case I think the negatives outweigh the positives. Without my medication I feel more even. On meds, I feel great but as soon as it wears off I feel like crap. The highs and lows are just too much and I do not want to be dependant on them for the rest of my life. I rather feel slightly miserable than have the soaring highs and crashing lows. It's just too much for me. I think most forms of medication are a scam and a bandaid solution to a deeper problem.

Odd vaginal odor? Help?? Opinions?

I'm 17. I've been suffering from an odd odor in my vagina for quite a few years. It's starting to get really strong. I am NOT! sexually active. The most sexual activity I've had is being fingered once and I masturbate quite often, it that effects it. I'm afraid to have sex with my boyfriend whenever we plan is the right time, because I'm afraid he will notice. After I orgasm when I masturbate the smell gets a lot stronger. When I clean my vagina with a washcloth or loofah, the smell is disgustingly bad. When I get out of the shower and I wipe off my vagina, it is still really bad on the towel right away. What do I do?? I'm afraid to talk to my mother about it. Should I go get a pap done?

What does it take to be an US Air Force pilot?

I really wanna be a Neurosurgeon but I also want to help out my country. I love jets maybe to much. I would love to be soaring high above ground in a Top Secret military plane waiting to attack a target.. That's what I'd love to do.. I know this may sound cold, but I wouldn't mind killing someone for my country. I wouldn't mind killing someone at all to be perfectly honest. However I wouldn't kill someone for no reason so I certainly am not a threat to society don't take that the wrong way.. I wouldn't mind bombing a target.. Back to the question, what does it take to fly the Top Secret planes our military has? How long would I have to stay in? Can you join as a pilot and be flying right after training? I would really love to drop shoot those bombs at something.. I'd be good at that. Also, if I were to stay in for say... 4 years, how much of my schooling would they pay for and would they pay for Medical school? Thank you!

Horrible experience. I am so sad. What do I do now?

Sorry, but having read this twice I still cant understand what you are complaining about. He made out with a guy for a bit of fun because someone asked him to. And? Why were you embarrassed? Why are you super pissed? I just dont understand. He didn't cheat on you with the guy, it was a joke, because someone asked him to, and you two just agreed that you are not even dating yet. Where is the problem?

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Constant lower back pain?

I advise not to go to a Chiropractor for two reasons, One, seeing a Chiropractor doesn't you teach you take care of your body. Also, recently Chiropractors have some adjustment go wrong with the results being death and paralyzes in patient, They mean well but often times they over look serious medical problems causing serious irreversible consequences. There is not time frame as to when your back will get better. You need to concentrate on some back stretching exercises. You may find a program on the Internet that you like better then the ones the doctor gave you. But you have to stop working out and do all the exercises daily ,three times a day for the next 21 days and see how you feel. I worked for Navy Fitness and you might also examine your work out techniques as they may be causing your problems. You seem to be going back and forth and not accomplishing anything. If you work out then listen to your body. Do not do any exercises suggested off this site as they do not have pictures attached to them. Pictures promote proper usage and modeling. You may get hurt or injured.

Roommate is smoking marijuana with her friends in our unit. What should I do?

I can't stand the smell and don't feel comfortable that drugs are being used in my apartment. I only met her once. I told one of her friends that I couldn't have people smoking marijuana in my apartment. I feel bad about possibly having to call the cops on her, but I feel like I have a right since they are doing something illegal where I have to live. I work with law enforcement too, so if there is anything left in the living room and the police know, I could get the blame.

In what movie Al Pacino holds a gun at a man?

i saw a tv comercial a few months back where al pacino holds a man hostage or something with gunpoint, pacino is standing behind the hostage with the gun shouting at a bunch of cops or feds but i think it was cops, pacino was old in this like he was in Righteous Kill so i think the movies after 2000 or late 90s, someone please tell me what movie this is? someone who has watched all pacino movies should know, it's urgent....

Hows is my novel story?

GREAT! I'm writing a story sorta like this. I wish more people had your type of writing. Whatever you do, continue to write.

How early can you experience pregnancy symptoms?

Im disgustingly regular on my period but now I'm 2 days late my boyfriend and I always use the withdrawal method any way I was told if he has previously ejaculated that sperm cld be in the precum.. I'm 22 and in college not really ready to discuss this with my parents bc I knw they'll be disappointed but I've been feeling nauseous all thru out the day I've been getting dizzy a lot and I have no appetite my body feels tired and sore like I just wanna rest I feel like my legs are abt to give out sometimes but this incident happened almost 2 wks ago isn't that too early to be having symptoms of pregnancy?

UGLY HAIR !!!!!!???? ?

My hair is disgustingly horrible. I hate it. I have latina hair (I'm Latina/Italian) and it's dark brown. It's really ugly. I have it 3-4 inches below my shoulder. Everytime I want to leave it down, it gets KINKS IN IT. how can I fix this? I have frizzy ugly horrible curly/wavy hair. There is no shine to it. It looks like it's losing it's color too, or getting a dead hair kind of color. What should I do?

What could make your heart rate soar?

the sound of flute works for me and it makes the hairs on the back of your necks stand up like wee drum 72...

Do walmart prosecute 15 year olds for shoplifting?

My niece just got in trouble with stealing $43 worth of make up. She is 15 and they had called her parents to come pick her up. However, the cop was there and he just took down her name, phone number and her address. Walmart said they were going to send us a letter in the mail for the fine, but the cop said we will receive the court date in the mail in about 2 weeks. Does walmart prosecute 15 year olds? iS it possible that the cop said that to scare her? and should we get a lawyer?

Weirdest situation I have ever been in, please help me.?

Tell him your angry,it was weird and digesting for him to do it makes you question what you to are and what gender he likes.tell him that it was disrespectful and that it wasn't have every right to be angry,but at least your seeing this now instead of when your seriously committed.

I see that Levi Bellfield wants a face lift. I have an old 7 iron that i could use to help him to achieve..?

...the beauty he so desires. What tool or implement would you use to aid in this disgustingly ugly mans dream of becoming a better person

I had the weirdest dream ever!?

Lol. Wow. I've uh, never had a dream like that so I really don't know what to tell you. But, from what I do know about dreams is that sometimes you do get weird ones. There's only one solution: Get over it. It's probably something you've seen that day and the dream side of your brain figured out a way to switch into something totally irrelevant. Don't worry about it, it's not going to hurt you or something. It's just a dream.

Underage DUI question?

Since they're underage and suspected of being intoxicated yes, they had a right and yes, it's legal for a cop to do that.

Any good shows I can watch?

You are teenager watch shows that teenager like the bad girls club u watch all them old shows that don't even come on anymore go to the movies or sumthing hangout with friends

The cops are on coming, is there something you need to tell me?

Don't open the door unless you want to risk your life because you don't know until after they are done if they are good cops or criminals in uniform.

32 e's small frame 14 year old?

I am 14 a year ago I Was 5"2 and 85 pounds naturally i was crazily skinny like disgustingly so now I am 5"4 119 pounds and I have got loads of compliments my face looks better etc I still have a flat stomach but have big thighs and arms but I prefer it . A year ago my boobs where 32 dd j looked like a porn star so I wanted to gain weight to make then fit my frame but now I am a 32 e ! Should I loose or gain weight and how can I dress. To not lOose weight

Do stalkers ever give up?

Quit letting people add you. Unless you know exactly who they are refuse the add and block them. Make sure your account is private.

Im a minor and lied to a cop. ?

Okay, it was about 8pm when me and my friends went to the park to wait for some more friends too go and sleep with at a friends house. While waiting we told our friend to flash a light at a helicopter. So she did & the helicopter happened to be a police helicopter & it told us to wait there while some cops would come to talk to us.& so all my friends and I were scared and the girl who shined the light into the helicopter was like "Lie, don't say it was us." So I felt if I didn't all my friends would be mad at me. So the cops came and we all lied and the officer asked me a lot of questions so that meant I had to continue to add on to the lie then he found out we lied cause the girl who did it confessed 30 minutes later so he issed me and her a court date. I'm really scared. I've never been to court before and I felt kind of forced to lie but either way I still lied. But what would my punish meant be & would they drop the case? I'm a minor btw.

Resisting without violence and theft, what is going to happen?

Unbelievable! I still cannot believe this happened to me! I have never gotten in any trouble in my whole life! Yesterday I worked 7am til 3pm, then went home really fast to feed my cats and had to be at my second job at 4pm, which is 11 blocks from house. I was going to walk but then time was closing in so I took a cab like I have had numerous times before, and the fare is always 6 bucks. Well, this particular cab driver refused to drop me off where I needed to be dropped off and have always been dropped off, he didn't want to cross the busy street with and drop me off in front of the hotel, he was a total jerk, told to "get out now over here", I am not going across the street, he was obnoxious, rude and disgustingly refusing to do his job, I couldn't believe this guy, so I got really pissed and got out of the cab without paying him, it was an impulse, then he said "I am gonna call the cops", I didn't think he would, for 6 dollars!!!! Well, I got inside the hotel, where I work in the front desk, and went to the lobby bathroom and locked the door, I heard him come in and my coworker called me and said the cops were coming for me to lock the door and turn the light off. The cops came started asking questions and started to pry knock on the door and try to pry the door open and finally got it open and then immediately arrested me. I was stunned, he said he arrested me because I hid, if I had waited in the lobby he would just have me pay the fare and that's it. After all the ordeal, my hands are so bruised from those handcuffs, they hurt a lot!!!!! So, after the cop took me to the county jail, I read in the report that the jerk said the fare was 30 dollars!!!!! I couldn't believe it!!!! I was charged with theft and resisting without violence, the cop said he is not going to show up in court and that the cab driver probably won't either, and that I am not going to jail. I just have to wait something in the mail with a court date. I have never been arrested before and am petrified, I know I was impulsive and should have paid the fare, but that guy really got on my nerves. I just wanted to know what will happen, what am I gonna have to do, I also go to school for criminal justice and was planning on being a probation officer, which right now doesn't appeal to me the least, this experience made me feel repulsive towards the PD, and I am not sure I want to work in this field anymore, but I sure do not want a record regardless of my career choice. I am so sad...... my arms so sore.... : ( I am a 33 year old female from Brazil (US citizen) and this happened in Miami, FL, and it's a misdemeanor. Answers will be greatly appreciated so I can relax and not be so stressed out over this. Thank you.

Soar throat. Ibuprofen question?

Well today and yesterday I had a horrible strep throat. I didn't take much ibuprofen yesterday, only about 2. Well today it is worse. I took 3 ibuprofen this morning after I woke up, and then a couple of hours later around 5:00 PM, I took 2 more. 2 ibuprofen don't effect me at all. Only 3 work. I tried the warm salt water thing, and it didn't work. The recommended ibuprofen dose is 6 pills in 24 hours unless directed by a doctor. The pills are 200mg. I will probably take 3 more around 11:30 PM tonight. That means I will have taken 2 more pills over the recommended dosage.. what will this do to me and is it safe?

Would i do good in the marines or will i be a failure?

Well i have noticed that i am different than alot of the recruits from my station. Most of the kids there are wild and out going just like the stereotypical marine. And some of these kids have been in trouble with the cops. Lots of these kids love to drink and get crazy and lots of them smoke weed they swear alot. But overall they are good people they just have strong personalities harder personalities. I on the other hand am quiet reserved never been in trouble i listen and follow orders i never drank and never smoked and i dont party. I also dont go out much i stay home all the time. I am wondering if my personality does not fit in the corp. And if i do would i be promoted faster for being a "good marine"

Forgiveness... what do you think about THIS?

You should forgive him, then call the cops. If you were a true Christian, you would want him to get better. There's no better way for him to get the help he needs than to see what stealing does to people. Once his virginity is stolen in prison, perhaps he will learn his lesson.

What's wrong with me?

It all started with a soar throat and then a low fever (99-100) then I was about to go to bed after 2 days of having the fever and it was basically gone I had gotten a rash I just ignored it and went to bed I woke up at 2 AM and had to itch so bad and looked at my fingers and they were swollen big time. What do I do?? And what is it??

How is a man who is so much messy, unorganized and lazy in real life end up getting very high grades in math?

and i being so organized, neat, hard working and efficient in real life can barely manage to pass math without intense struggle? he is disgustingly messy and lethargic. He keep getting fired from hourly jobs, but he ends up with straight A's in calculus and beats the heck out of me in math and i barely get D grade in calculus. this is not fair and its injustice.

Aching pains.. symptoms of plan B pill?

My last period ended on the 6th and I had to use the plan B pill on the 12th because our condom broke, and it is now the 18th. This morning I woke up with upper abdominal pain and as the day has gone by the pain has progressed to my lower and upper abdominal as well as to the right side of the middle of my back. It is just really soar, feeling like its brused but its not. Is this one of the symptoms to taking plan B or should I be worried? Thanks.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

What is the bump near my behind?

I have a reddish bump about the size of a peanut mm. Its is right along where the edge of my pantys lay on my behind. It was very soar and uncomfortable.

Is it racially discriminative that I am white but I use the N word when I'm angry at someone (the majority?

no more so than calling a white Caucasian. its a proven bonafide race of people. just because they dont like it does not make it racist.

Am I disgustingly thin? How can I go from this.. to this?

You are definitely not disgustingly thin, you have a perfect body. I already envy your body, nice tan, beautiful curves. Your lucky and yes you are on the thin side. But its a good thing! Your not gross looking, your super pretty. You should just smile, keep your head up, and accept the fact that you have a gorgeous body that most girls have to really work for.

In the state of texas what is the LEGAL age to leave home?

well when i was living in louisiana my bf came and pickd me up when my parents wernt home they soon found i was gone with my bf after the cops located me they took me to the police station an returnd me to my parents at that time i was 15 now we have moved to texas were i am originaly from and i am 16 i will be 17 in january. i want to know if i can have my bf come and pick me up when im 17 an take me to live with him at the age of 17 in texas can my parents force the law to bring me back? i know in sum states they will pick u up 1 time an after u return home if u leave again they wont do any thing about it what are my options can i leave whe im 17 in texas?

Anyone Else Dislike Aries???? (women)?

I could say the same about Libra women! So indecisive taking forever for a decision and they care way to much about what other people think, they are lazy! they never clean up after themselves and are always begging people to do stuff for them how much sadder can you Libras get? I know a Libra who barely ever comes to school and has the worst attendance in our school, you Libras need to look in the mirror before you decide to run around and insult other signs too.

Boy problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

dont worry. the whole thing about boys hating it when you like thi=em isnt true. he probably said fine because he likes you too. if you really dont feel comfortable going to school just tell your parents that you feel really sick... another thing to make the sick thing look legit is. take two advil right before you go to bed. make sure its on an empty stomach then go to sleep. you wake up with a bad stomach ache. you get all pale and sweaty and it looks like you might puke... it feels that way too. if you eat something it will go away but its a cool trick!

Is This Disgustingly Skinny?

I'm just trying to look out for her. My neighbour, is REALLY SKINNY! She's 13 years old, and is skinny as Mary Kate Olsen, Victoria Beckham, Paris Hilton, etc. She says she's not anorexic!! She says it's because she's like Asian, and has a fast metabolism... What's being Asian got to do with it??? Plus, she eats SUPER SMALL PORTIONS! (at least to me) and I'm not overweight. And she has noooo breasts at all which is weird.. But she's really pretty though.. I just think she'd even look more beautiful if she was a bit chubbier! She runs sometimes too. Not distance, she's just really fast! And she gets cold easily... Opinions please! ;)

Boyfriend advice please?!?

Hello: just had a question> I have been going with my boyfriend for 6 months and when I first met lhim i thought he was divorced. then after a couple of months i found out he was only separated. I broke off with him for about a week because his ex girlfriend was at his house when I came over un announced. He says to this day that he is just friends with her. I don't beleive in that. If you broke off with your ex, then why still be friends. He doesn not have any kids with her, so WTF. But my question is really that he always wants me to remind him to get dicvorced. he wants me to pressure him, etc, so he says. My thing is why do I have to do this? Is ths just a cop out? What does the community say on this?

Every time I eat fruit im ill the day after.............why?

I never eat fruit really. But every time ive tried to start eating it for my health i fall really ill with a cold or fever. I ate about 5 different fruits yesterday including, apple,pear,grapes,strawberries and a banana and today my throat is on fire feeling like im ready be sick and i generally feel like im just sick with a VERY soar throat. This happens EVERY time I eat fruit to be healthier, apart from that i never get ill. In fact only had a day of work when ill after eating fruit. Never ate fruit in high school and never had a single day off.

Help with my period !?

Now would be a good time to take a pregnancy test and see what it could be. You could be pregnant and the bleeding that you thought was your period could have just been implantation bleeding. So now would be a good tine to find out.

Whats wrong with me??!!?

So it all started with a soar throat and then i had a low fever (99-100) and it goes away after 2 days and that night i look at my stomach and it has a rash i just ignore it and go to bed and i wake up in the middle of the night and really need to itch and i find the rash spread everywhere on my body! and my fingers are swelled!! What happened??!! And how do i get rid of it fast

What are these white things on the back of my throat?

so i had a really bad cough and my throat was really soar cause i suddenly got sick. i lost my voice a bit an i was coughing up mucus and it happened very fast. now that my cough and soar throat is gone and im pretty much all better i found some white things on the back of my throat they are whiteish to yellowish and there is many they dont hurt or anything just creep me out and im a bit worried as to what it may be. iv heard of people saying they have had something like this and scraped it off. but im not sure i have that. its not on my tonsils just right at the back of my throat. iv yet to scrape at them but iv barely touched them with a tooth brush and they dont hurt. could it be caused by my really sore throat from earlier or is it something else all together?

Can I or My boyfriend get genital HSV-1?

Hi, about four days ago i gave my boyfriend oral sex and the next morning I got a cold soar. I'm wondering if I could have givin him genital hsv-1? Also we had intercoarse after so I wonder if I could have gotten it as well? He gets cold soares lik twice a year and this is my second cold soar my last one being a couple years about. This morning he got a little red dot(really small) on his penis, I also think he might be a little paranoid. Overall im worried if either of us have genital herpes. When will we know?

Which horror movies do you think are scarier and why?

Well, out of those, I've only seen Texas chainsaw massacre, but out of all the scary movies I've every watche, it's my favorite! It's just amazing...(:

What am I doing wrong, every cake I bake fails?

First, don't put tin foil over your cake. That's a process used for meats. Make certain you are using the proper ingredients. Don't use spread for butter. If you are using glass or dark pans lower the oven temperature by 25 degrees and also make certain you're the proper size pans and use measuring cups and spoons. Don't try to guesstimate with coffee cups and tableware. Good luck.

Can I get my calf muscle back?

Don't worry. Your leg will return to normal in a few weeks of normal activity. Right now it's just suffering from a bit of muscle wasting from not being used for so long. It happens to everyone and will get better. Hang in there! :)

Thoughts on an excerpt that i wrote?

To me (a teen) it was AMAZING with the description but it wasn't that interesting to me. But again that's from a teen and I don't think we're your audience.

Do certain cops on here sometimes wish the violation button worked faster?

Not sure how to answer your question since only those 'cops' you are referring to can possibly answer. However, I'm guessing that what you are really talking about would be a TROLL button. Interesting question for sure. Why do you ask? Are you somewhat nervous?

What is it I have on my.. well, skin?

More than a year ago, on one place on my skin (not a very nice one to talk about.. on a ...boob.) appeared some kind of weird thing and I still struggle to get rid of it. At first it was was like a sore that would heal, then come back, then again disappear, then again reappear. It wasn't oozing or anything, at least not too much, even tho it did make cracks go through the sin there even when it was supposedly healed. Not long ago, about a month ago, it became absolutely uncontrollable. We tried to use different lotions and streptotsid and tried to put plasters on to prevent any dirty stuff from coming to it, but it only made things worse! Now lymph oozes out of it non-stop and won't heal one bit. it is also pretty big now... in a diameter of about 5-6 Centimeters (making it about 2 inches). Today I tried to keep it untouched for as long as I could (managed to hold only for an hour, since it's such a place that must always be covered even when one human is around) to maybe allow it to dry, since we always keep either plasters, or just my bra, or napkins on it all the time. Well, the results didn't please me. It kept Oozing to the point drops were on it already and only one of those drops (small ones) dried and nothing more! it was disgustingly all yellow... I really don't know what to do anymore.. I still have yet to go to the doctor, but maybe you guys can at least tell me what this is? Because we are completely clueless...

Cop Changes Report on day of Arraignment ? Is This Allowed?

I was arrested for DUI and began the investigation myself early. I went and picked up a copy of my police report from the station. I was extremely tired after being awake for 16 hours i must admit i should have went straight hom but decided to go grab a bite to eat and a glass of wine. A cheeseburger fries and glass of wine around midnight. My cousin and I talked for a while and ended up leaving at 3am. I took her home and went on my way. I accidently collided with a car side by side. I honestly didnt feel a thing just thought we came close the damages are paint scratches. I was waiting at the red light when I was hit from behind. Its a one way street and its really dark. I immediately get out to inspect the car. No damges at all. The guy starts yelling and cursing at me so i say ok let's exchnage insurance info. A cop comes and we explain to him what happened. He then decides to perform a test on me. He flashed a light in my face and told me to follow the pen and I did without moving my head. He immediately put me in cuffs. After an accident they take me to the hospital to sleep. I wasn't finger printed until the am when they released me. They gave me my license back NO notice of suspension and told me they parked my car where I was on the 1 way street. I checked the DMV I am not suspended and I have already went to my arraignment.It's been 30 days They read my charges which were DUI and Leaving After Colliding. They asked for evidence and prosecutor said Refusal. How can this be when in the 1st report its says I consented to a urine which was secured as evidence. Now they are saying refused. I have never been in trouble in my entire life. I am guilty of the accident and I have insurance to cover her minor damages. no one was hurt at all. But I will not say I am guilty of DUI not knowing my BAC levels because a cop lost them. I was looking forward to my test results 30 days later he says I didnt do a test

Nipple piercings help please?

I'm a girl and I got mine at 15 (it rejected like 4 months later) and it was one of the worst pains I've ever felt. It was sore for almost 2 weeks. You have to keep it clean with a sea salt soak.

Partyin to much got in trouble, how can i earn parents trust back???? please help! thanks:)?

dude i know how you feel. my mom caught me drinking at a guys house and now she doesnt ever trust me

Wanting to be more aggressive in life? Any advice.?

i have spent my whole life worried about everybody elses happiness and focusing on making that happen. I am now 28 and dont feel fullfilled in my everyday life. I would like to be more aggressive at attaining my dream job of being a cop and in my sexual relation with my girl. I am a passive person. Can you help me be more aggressive.

Do you think most cops are two-faced hypocrites?

Putting on the siren without apparent reason, going the opposite direction on one-way streets, giving tickets for small mistakes that deserve a prior warning(this is basically pick-pocketing your money) . You name it.

Please interpret my dream?

So last night I had a dream that I was at a liquor store shopping on my way to a friends party, and one of my friends call me and there like hey don't go to that party bcuz something bad is gonna happen. And I kept asking my friend what was gonna happen and she wouldn't answer she just kept saying not to go. So I went anyway and there were some people there who didnt like me and they drugged me and locked me away. I remember screaming for help and my dream skipped a few scenes to where the cops came, and then I woke up. My Heart was beating super fast and i was so freaked out because I had no idea why I dreamt of them. Then today my close friend called and invited me to a party. It was his party I was going to in the dream, and the girl who was warning me will be there. This is so strange and ironic. Does it mean I shouldn't go?

Minor in Possession of Alcohol in CA? please please help!?

Ok so I was on the beach with some friends (at about 11 at night) I was laying on the blanket and the cooler with beer was next to the blanket. My friends started to walk down the beach and I stayed behind. Next thing I know the cops were there and giving me a citation for being a minor in possession of alcohol...MY "friends" saw the cops show up and took off and I got the blame for the whole thing. I have a court date coming up and I'm wondering what I should do? What's going to happen? I've never been in trouble like this before so I'm very nervous. The officer's were very polite to me and seemed to be sympathetic (not so enough to not cite me but that's understandable) I understand this was an extremely stupid what do I do? Should I get a lawyer? Will my license be suspended? (on the ticket it says non traffic and pedestrian etc but I hear it's still possible) Please help!!!

Please help.. Serious question, should the cops be called? is this guy a freak? kids involved need help?

OMG! I would call the cops! Absolutely! If those were my kids I would for sure take action immediately!! What if he tries to go to the school to pick them up and kidnap them??? Pictures of the kids in the bathtub! That is child pornogoraphy... in this istance (which it sounds like).

Question about suing companies?

Okay so today my brother unfortunately set his car on fire. He had a 2006 Subaru Impreza. I don't know the full story yet because I'm waiting for them to come home but all they told me was that the fireman told them that the fire started because the radar detector overheated. He has a radar detector that detects cops if you didn't know what I was talking about. So I wondering if the insurance doesn't cover my brother's totaled car then would we be able to sue the company that makes the radar detectors?

Resisting without violence and theft, what is going to happen?

Unbelievable! I still cannot believe this happened to me! I have never gotten in any trouble in my whole life! Yesterday I worked 7am til 3pm, then went home really fast to feed my cats and had to be at my second job at 4pm, which is 11 blocks from house. I was going to walk but then time was closing in so I took a cab like I have had numerous times before, and the fare is always 6 bucks. Well, this particular cab driver refused to drop me off where I needed to be dropped off and have always been dropped off, he didn't want to cross the busy street with and drop me off in front of the hotel, he was a total jerk, told to "get out now over here", I am not going across the street, he was obnoxious, rude and disgustingly refusing to do his job, I couldn't believe this guy, so I got really pissed and got out of the cab without paying him, it was an impulse, then he said "I am gonna call the cops", I didn't think he would, for 6 dollars!!!! Well, I got inside the hotel, where I work in the front desk, and went to the lobby bathroom and locked the door, I heard him come in and my coworker called me and said the cops were coming for me to lock the door and turn the light off. The cops came started asking questions and started to pry knock on the door and try to pry the door open and finally got it open and then immediately arrested me. I was stunned, he said he arrested me because I hid, if I had waited in the lobby he would just have me pay the fare and that's it. After all the ordeal, my hands are so bruised from those handcuffs, they hurt a lot!!!!! So, after the cop took me to the county jail, I read in the report that the jerk said the fare was 30 dollars!!!!! I couldn't believe it!!!! I was charged with theft and resisting without violence, the cop said he is not going to show up in court and that the cab driver probably won't either, and that I am not going to jail. I just have to wait something in the mail with a court date. I have never been arrested before and am petrified, I know I was impulsive and should have paid the fare, but that guy really got on my nerves. I just wanted to know what will happen, what am I gonna have to do, I also go to school for criminal justice and was planning on being a probation officer, which right now doesn't appeal to me the least, this experience made me feel repulsive towards the PD, and I am not sure I want to work in this field anymore, but I sure do not want a record regardless of my career choice. I am so sad...... my arms so sore.... : ( I am a 33 year old female from Brazil (US citizen) and this happened in Miami, FL, and it's a misdemeanor. Answers will be greatly appreciated so I can relax and not be so stressed out over this. Thank you.

My biological father showed up after 8 years?

You should tell mum bcoz it wouldn't be fair on her u knowin this secret dat does concern her. And if u don't want to call ur dad - don't u don't have to after he's been so shitty to u. And I hope it all works out and elliot seems like a genuine guy ur mum is very lucky to have him <3

I think Casey Anthony's father has something to hide...?

That whole family is messed up. But I think he's the ring leader. I think he is way more involved in this case than he's given credit for by the State of Florida. He's a frigging cop! Of course, his side of the street is clean? Who agrees or not? I'm curious to know if anyone else picks up this really creepy and sinister vibe from him...

Why do I feel the need to look perfect?

If you think about it, everything us men do is to attract women. Whether its working out, trying to show off some way, or wanting to be good looking. Who doesn't want that hot goddess for a wife? All you can do is take the need you have to be perfect and use it to make yourself more appealing to women. You may not be able to change your face without plastic surgery, but trust me you dont want plastic surgery. Your best aspect doesnt have to be your face. Keep working out and work on your personality. Those two things will make women more attracted to you.

How to go about becoming a lawyer?

i want to be a cop or a lawyer, but im joining the Army for 4 years, and after ill have money for college and all that, but i haven't taken the Sat's or acts, so can I still get into a good college without it? i heard you can go to a community college and transfer to a better school after you get your Associates if you have a good GPA, without taking either. thanks

Friday, August 5, 2011

Caught Speeding? 80mph in a 60mph zone!?

If he didn't stop you, and issue you a ticket, you're okay this time. Consider it your one free pass, and slow down. 20 over isn't cheap.

How can I gain weight?

Find a way to gain weight, but not with junk food because thats not good for you. I heard on the news when you drink a lot and eat vegetables, they blow up in your stomach, and it makes you gain weight.

Did someone REALLY call the cops on me?

no fear, sir. as a minor, you can't get in trouble for purchasing alcohol. the heat would all be on the store and/or the guy that bought you the beer. basically, that guy couldn't have ratted you out considering he'd be in deeper sh*t than you would. my guess is that it was just a coincidence, if the cops wanted to bust someone, they would've.

Is this anorexia? my friends are concerned?

Okay my friends are here with me typing this out because I really don't see the problem with it but I've been drastically losing weight over the past few months and I'm 16 5"8' and 108 lbs Which I know is huge and grossly fat and I haven't been eating a lot all sometimes a couple of times a week and after that I throw it up sometimes but that's totally normal because I'm so fat I should want to not be as disgustingly fat and obese but my eating habits are fine but they think they should be concerned because my eyelashes keep falling out and I'm really cold and tired all the time but I have a concussion so that's just that isn't it? They say it's an eating disorder but of course it's not I'm just fat and obese and disgusting. What do you think? I'm really not even joking when I say I'm fat it's not like I can see my ribs I'm really fat and have like stretch marks I'm that obese I'm just huge and looking in the mirror makes me cry. I don't really believe my scales when they say im 108lbs because i look so hugely fat but now i refuse to eat and sometimes i use laxatives to get my weight down but im fine i really am i just want your opinion because my friend said i might be and i just want to prove her wrong. I refuse to eat in front of people anymore because i know they'll judge me so i run a lot and i do a lot of exercise too.

Do opposite pregnancy symptoms mean different gender?

With my son i was never sick but i craved mc.donalds . & with this one im haveing the same craveings but sick all the time im hopeing for a girl .

Should drugs be legal?

No. It's an argument worthy of a third grader. No Billy, just because everyone is doing it, doesn't make it right.

If you saw a friend that was?

If you saw you're friend that is a crush drunk butt naked. Throwing little pebbles at you're window and said hey do you want to come running with me? What would you do? Stand there stare at them, take a picture, or run with them, call the cops?

How do I get my shoes to be less stinky?

I like to go jogging, even when it rains, but it seems like every time I jog in the rain or in wet grass or anything really wet, my shoes get disgustingly stinky. I'm currently in a third world country so there aren't any commercial products here that I can buy to get rid of the stink, but it there any kind of natural solution to this? (And don't say that I need to stop going jogging or something like that, this is a serious question.)

In the movie Home Alone,why didn't anyone call the cops?

The camera man just stood there filming instead of calling the cops.A kids house was being robbed,and he could of been molested.Why did the camera man just film?

Should we end the drug war?

my question would be why do so many young people need to use drugs, you will never end the drugs war because of one thing MONEY, people get rich on the suffering of others, seeing someone hopelessly addicted to drugs is horrible,you Will never make drugs totally legal it will just cause a price war between dealers and government, the thing with cigarettes is yes they cause long term illnesses but you cant overdose on them and kill yourself in one go, i think more attention should be paid to why people need or want to use drugs in the first place.

Why have i been burping alot?

For some reason i was burping all days yesterday, and now again today? Could it be because i have a soar throat? If not, wat can i do? Btw im a 17 year old guy.

Is soars the only way to tell if ur muscles are growing?

Like if u work out but don't feel soar afterwards, ur muscles still growt right?? And is there anyway u can tell if they're growing besides ur muscles getting soar??

Do I have the right to beat myself up?

Last night I had decided for sum unbeknowest mental problem I have I guess, that I was going to spill out my guts to this girl I've been in love with for almost 4 years. She's one of my best friends. I had tried to tell her how much I liked her but was a little bit sketchy about it due to my fear of rejection and made it sound like I wasn't sure about her a year ago. Then when she said she likes me back but doesn't think I'm right for her but is just attracted I got really discouraged, but later went out with a girl a few months later for almost a year, but then that didn't work out. So when I finally got over that girl and even while I was dating this other girl i still cared very much for her. So last night at church I was going to tell her face to face and hand her this letter where I just spilled my guts. That didn't pan out cuz I got real nervous so I sent her a message on facebook (probably negatvive points, i know, but not enough to harm my chances that bad, I could always patch it up by talking to her face to face tonight). Now I am freaking out wishing I hadn't sent that letter. She's already talking to almost involved with someone else. I used very strong words almost told her I love her in the message I sent. I feel like I'm going to be sick. What can I do to feel better about this? But now it's either crash and burn or soar with the eagles.

Yet another case of animal cruelty by the POLICE?

I think you need to wait for the full story, its been reported today the officer was found on the floor some distance away with a serious hand injury. For all you know he could have been knocked or was suffering from severe blood loss

Isnt it too early to be experiencing pregnancy symptoms?

Im disgustingly regular on my period but now I'm 2 days late my boyfriend and I always use the withdrawal method any way I was told if he has previously ejaculated (which he had) that sperm cld be in the precum.. I'm 22 and in college not really ready to discuss this with my parents bc I knw they'll be disappointed but I've been feeling nauseous all thru out the day I've been getting dizzy a lot and I have no appetite my body feels tired and sore like I just wanna rest I feel like my legs are abt to give out sometimes but this incident happened almost 2 wks ago isn't that too early to be having symptoms of pregnancy?

How can I keep myself from getting so soar after gymnastics training?

I train in gymnastics everyday for a couple hours, but I'm always so so soar! And I don't have a day to rest! How can I keep from being so soar all the time?

What is Senior Ditch Day exactly?

That's the DAY when the SENIORS DITCH school. Didn't know cops were notified, and it doesn't seem like it would be a big deal since it's usually at the very end of the school year anyway.

Could I be pregnant or ..?

I'm 19 years old and had unprotected sex for the first time exactly 7 days ago. Right away I started thinking, "oh no, what if I get pregnant" then I told myself that it was probably rare that someone could get pregnant their first time not using protection; but I'm not sure. When can I take a pregnancy test? Also, today my breast were really lumpy, like disgustingly lumpy. It kinda creeped me out because they were never like that before. Is that a sign that I could be? like could it be milk forming? I'm so clueless. How soon can you expect symptoms and what not Someone give me the low down please! :)

Interpret my dream plz?

So last night I had a dream that I was at a liquor store shopping on my way to a friends party, and one of my friends call me and there like hey don't go to that party bcuz something bad is gonna happen. And I kept asking my friend what was gonna happen and she wouldn't answer she just kept saying not to go. So I went anyway and there were some people there who didnt like me and they drugged me and locked me away. I remember screaming for help and my dream skipped a few scenes to where the cops came, and then I woke up. My Heart was beating super fast and i was so freaked out because I had no idea why I dreamt of them. Then today my close friend called and invited me to a party. It was his party I was going to in the dream, and the girl who was warning me will be there. This is so strange and ironic. Does it mean I shouldn't go?

Living alone for the first time.. how do I stop feeling so lonely?

So I moved out of my parents place when I was 18 to go to university and have been going home for the summer until this year. I'm turning 20 now and I decided to stay here (6 hours away from my hometown) to spend the summer with my boyfriend. The only problem I'm having is I have very few friends that have stayed in town, whom I very rarely see and my boyfriend here, that's it. My roommate went home for the summer so my condo's completely quiet and empty. I can text people all I want but it doesn't change how disgustingly lonely I feel. I HATE living alone, I hate eating alone, I hate having no one to talk to when I'm home. I just hate it! It's such a terrible feeling and I don't know what to do. I see my boyfriend a few days a week but when I'm alone, it's brutal. He'll be working full time soon and it's only going to get worse. I don't have a job at the moment so the only time I leave the house (when I'm not with him) is to work out, tan or go get groceries. This seriously sucks, how can I become ok with living alone?

Sex on the 4th day of your period....?

Okay so my Girlfriend and I had sex on the 4th day of her period... from what I know if you're pregnant on the following days there would be soaring changes (tender breasts, etc) She started June 17 and then made sex on June 20... She said she bled on June 21 and after that (following day) the blood disappeared... please help us, we don't want to wait till her next period comes. She said she didn't felt anything hot or something inside her, I also said I didn't *** inside her (We did it ONLY for 3 times but we keep on stopping like 5-15 mins...) . But we saw this liquid thing when I pulled my penis out and she said she wants to pee but can't (we did it in the car) I'm sure I didn't *** inside her... Please... I NEED YOUR HELP T_T (She's bleeding when we did it) WE need your HELP T_T